
For a list of certifications, service activities, research supervised (and more), see my CV

Teaching experience

University of California, Irvine
Teaching Assistant*
  • Teaching/Research Assistant for MathBioU Summer 2020
  • Partial Differential Equations Spring 2020
  • Introduction to Probability Summer 2019
  • Introduction to Probability Summer 2018
  • Integral Calculus Fall 2016

Guest Lecturer 
  • Infectious Disease Dynamics Fall 2019
  • Partial Differential Equations Spring 2018

Occidental College
Academic Mastery Program Facilitator for differential and integral calculus (similar to teaching assistant) https://www.oxy.edu/academics/student-success/academic-mastery-program
*responsibilities included independently teaching multiple discussion sections per week, creating and grading quizzes, holding office hours, and grading exams

Mentoring experience

Co-Founder of the Community Outreach, and Mentoring Program (COMP) and COMP FellowshipNew UCI math department program and funded fellowship to support, mentor, and recruit diverse students in order to bolster student success and community in graduate school https://sites.uci.edu/mathcomp/
Co-Coordinator of the Math Department Graduate Peer Mentor ProgramGraduate student-run program that pairs incoming graduate students with established mentors to ease the transition to graduate school, with a special focus on the retention of underrepresented groups
Math Department Science in Action Program AmbassadorRepresentative for innovative program developed in response to calls by The National Academy of Sciences, the National Science Foundation, and the Council of Graduate Schools to systematically address needs in graduate education

Summary of Teaching evaluations

Summary of teaching evaluations.pdf